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IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)

For Skin, Aesthetic and Men
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Understanding the Treatment

Intense pulsed light or IPL is a non-invasive and non-ablative treatment that uses high-intensity pulses of visible light to improve the appearance of the following skin problems:

  • Freckles and age marks.
  • Facial lines and wrinkles.
  • Removal of unwanted dark hair.
  • Mild to Mederate Acne.
  • Vascular lesions including spider telangiectasis, port wine stains, broken facial veins, rosy cheeks, rosacea and red thread veins of the legs.
  • Stretch marks.
  • In rejuvenation of aged skin referred to as “Photorejuvenation” and requires a series of IPL treatments.

At Infinity Aesthetics Clinic, Dr. Narendra Nikumbh is the best Laser Expert in Thane and Mumbai, provides the best Acne Scar Treatment in Thane and Mumbai. We as a team work closely with every client to deliver a customized treatment crafted around the individual’s hair and skin type, using the latest technologies, systems, devices and products whic makes us the Best Laser clinic in Thane and Mumbai.

How it Works?

Intense pulsed light (IPL) systems work on the same principles as lasers except in this the light is used and this light energy is absorbed into particular target cells with colour (chromophores) in the skin. The light energy is converted to heat energy, which causes damage to the specific target area. IPL systems are different to lasers in that they deliver many wavelengths (or colours) in each pulse of light instead of just one wavelength. Most IPL systems use filters to refine the energy output for the treatment of certain areas. This enhances penetration without using excessive energy levels and enables targetting of specific chromophores (these are skin components that absorb light).

IPL therapy is considered a non-ablative resurfacing technique, which means that it targets the lower layers of skin (dermis) without affecting the top layers of skin (epidermis). The results are not as dramatic as ablative resurfacing where both the dermis and epidermis are injured to produce a much more noticeable overall outcome. The biggest advantage of IPL therapy is its minimal downtime – a patient can often have the procedure done in their lunch break and return to work immediately afterwards.

What you can expect?

While most people are fine with the light pulses, the treatment could sting a little. It might feel like someone is snapping a rubber band on you but very slightly. Numbing cream can be used to put on 30-60 minutes before treatment starts if you are very sensitive.
Slight redness, tingling sensation, slight itching or stinging may occur over the treated area. The redness and other side effects reduce and go away in further 3-4 days. With every session you will see visible decrease in the lesion or concern. IPL always requires series of sessions to achieve desired effect, hence follow up is expected.

pre-treatment care

A) Always inform about your status if you are pregnant.

B) Discuss if you have any skin condition like raised scars, psoriasis, Lichen planus, Sensitive skin, Allergy to any susbstance, etc.

C) Always inform if you are take medication for any other medical or skin conditions.

D) Since this is a treatment which involves light inform if you are sensitive to light.

E) Inform if you have recently had long exposure to sun e.g. travel, trek, field work etc.

F) Inform if you are using a retinoid cream, AHA cream, Hydroquinone creams.

G) Don’t wax, or get a chemical peel for 2 weeks before the session.

H) Avoid wearing perfume, makeup, deodorant, or any skin irritants atleast 2 days before the session.

I) Avoid taking aspirin or another drug for pain (if unpresccribed) as these increase chances of bleed during the session.

Post-treatment care

A) Do not apply anything apart from what is prescribed.

B) After 1 hour re-apply the recommended skin lubricant and use it every 2 hours to keep the skin moisturized.

C) For the first 2 days do not wet the face with hot water, splash cold water if any discomfort.

D) For the first 2 days avoid heat or excessive sweating.

E) Avoid applying any makeup till 3-4 days after the treatment when skin becomes normal.

F) Avoid laser treatments, waxing or depilatory creams for 2 weeks after the treatment.

G) For a minimum of a month avoid sun exposure if and when ever possible, apply SPF30 or more sunscreen regularly.

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