Marriage in most societies and cultures forms a holi contract between two individuals. It marks a life changing event for a couple. It may also, for some people, be a turning point beyond which their life changes for good or for worse.
Marriage is responsibility of both the individuals. Responsibility in earning the livelihood, creating, managing and nurturing a home, ensuring a protected environment where the other individual feels safe both physically, emotionally, mentally and sexually.
As we all know and agree that Sexuality and Sexual life are both personal. Every adult has right to be anyone and be with anyone without being judged. Hence to be sexually active one doesn’t need to be married but he/she must be fully aware about the medical risks involved.
Many infections and diseases get transmitted from one person to the other if they involve in unprotected sexual bonding. These are called “Sexually Transmitted Diseases” i.e. STDs. Numerous diseases fall in this catergory.
Many a times people don’t know for sure whether what they have is a STD or something else and whether it is transmitable or not. They don’t know whom to appraoch, this causes emotional and mental stress and if carried for long may also result in depression.
Similarly, many a times there are individuals who have such conditions but are completely unaware/ignorant about them and they go ahead and get married or involved sexually and thus infect the other person too thus transmitting the disease.
Some of these infections may also lead to congenital malformations in the foetus if the mother is infected.
Some of the commonly known infections and diseases under this category are :
- Herpes
- Syphilis
- Genital Warts
- Gonnorhoea
- Chlamydia
Hence, when in doubt, or as a precautionary measure, it becomes imperative to get a Pre or Post Marital Counselling done.
At Infinity Aesthetics Clinic, we are commited to provide the wholesome care to our patient’s which include Examination, Testing, Analysis, Treatment, Counselling and Guidance.
So always feel free to contact or approach us and we’ll make sure to provide confidentiality with the best possible support.
At Infinity Aesthetics Clinic, Dr. Narendra Nikumbh is the best Dermatologist in Thane and Mumbai, provides the best Pre and Post Marital Counselling in Thane and Mumbai. We as a team work closely with every client to deliver a customized treatment crafted around the individual’s hair and skin type, using the latest technologies, systems, devices and products and this is what makes Infinity Aesthetics Clinic the Best Dermatology clinic in Thane and Mumbai.